Johnson’s Baby:

The House of New Johnson’s

Reimagining a babycare classic

In light of their controversies, Johnson’s & Johnson’s had undergone a brand refresh and wanted Jack Morton Singapore to create a brand activation that educated and introduced the new Johnson’s brand to their advocates.

The home, a safe haven

In order to completely change the perception of the brand, we needed consumers to associate it with the idea of a gentle and safe space. This brought us to the idea of a home; a place where you feel safe enough to build the future of your dreams while being protected from harmful external elements.

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A gentle and safe haven showcasing the heritage of Johnson’s Baby and its hopes for the future.

Guests experiencing The New Johnson scents through an immersive set-up.

Guests experiencing The New Johnson scents through an immersive set-up.

A hands-on lathering test demonstration by Dr. David Mays, Head of Global Scientific Engagement.

A hands-on lathering test demonstration by Dr. David Mays, Head of Global Scientific Engagement.

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Gentle at every touchpoint

Inspired by the function of a home, we crafted the different rooms in the House of New Johnson’s in a similar fashion.

Broken down into the nursery, kitchen, living, bath, dining, bed and play rooms, each touchpoint communicated the new brand message of Johnson’s Baby in a unique way.

From scientific demonstrations to interactive play, guests learned about the concept of ‘gentle’ in every Johnson’s product and took away personalised souvenirs embodying this newfound gentleness to share with their precious little ones.

Done during my time at Jack Morton Worldwide.

Creative Strategy: Nina Loh

Designer: Angela Soh


Introducing gender-neutral sneakers through art


Celebrating a common love for ice cream